Travel assistance
The long experience of Fidelitas Assistance in medical and technical assistance has made our team perfect in organizing all details of the activity.
We are able to render ambulance transportation with or without ICU to the nearest hospital or medical center depending on the state of the patient. In case of repatriation to an airport in the country or to some near airports out of the country we can provide medical escort.
Hotel accommodation
At the request of the insurance company Fidelitas Assistance can provide hotel accommodation of the insured person and his relatives and payment of all kind of hotel expenses all over the country.
We are able to organize transportation of ill or injured persons, relatives of insured persons or arriving foreign medical escorting persons using appropriate vehicles (ambulance or taxi) to a place they have to be transported – hospital, medical center, hotel or airport.
Airplane tickets
When the stay of insured person has to be prolonged owing to unforeseen circumstances we are able to book and pay airplane tickets for the insured person and/or his relatives or companions.
Cash advance
When insured person is in urgent need of money we are able to deliver him immediately a cash advance guaranteed by the insurance company to the place where the client is staying.
Repatriation of human remains
In case of death of insured person Fidelitas Assistance is able to organize and control entirely the whole repatriation of the human remains to his country of residence. When necessary we can organize delivering of his personal belongings to his family or to address given by the insurance company.